用英语翻译下列解说词 少点语法错误的 紧急 谢谢器宇轩昂、生机勃发.看,八年级十班的运动健儿们正向我们走来.他们队列整齐、步伐稳健,彰显了少年的风采;他们神态威武、从容不迫,昭示着必胜的信心;他们的口号是:挥洒激情、放飞梦想,团结拼搏、再创辉煌.天高地阔任飞翔,千难万险不屈挠.让我们预祝他们在本次运动会创下佳绩!


用英语翻译下列解说词 少点语法错误的 紧急 谢谢
Look,the athletes from class ten grade eight are walking towards us,vigorous and energetic.Their queues are tight and steps are steady,which show us the presence of youth; they are powerful and calm,which express thier confidence of victory; their slogan is:To let off our passion,liberate our dreams,cooperate and struggle and create briliance again.Flying freely in the high sky and proceeding forward regardless of any frustrations.Let us wish them create a new record in this games. Look,the athletes from class ten grade eight are walking towards us,vigorous and energetic.Their queues are tight and steps are steady,which show us the presence of youth; they are powerful and calm,which express thier confidence of victory; their slogan is:To let off our passion,liberate our dreams,cooperate and struggle and create briliance again.Flying freely in the high sky and proceeding forward regardless of any frustrations.Let us wish them create a new record in this games.