英语专业四级选择题 (each的用法)一下哪个句子是对的 为什么 其他句子忠的each都做什么成分 A They each have two tickets.B They cost 20 yuan each.C Each they have bought the same book.D They were given two magazines each.


英语专业四级选择题 (each的用法)
一下哪个句子是对的 为什么 其他句子忠的each都做什么成分 A They each have two tickets.B They cost 20 yuan each.C Each they have bought the same book.D They were given two magazines each.
A They each have two tickets,代词,同位语;
B They cost 20 yuan each,副词,状语;
C错改为Each of them has bought the same book代词,Each of them一起做主语
D They were given two magazines each.副词,状语;
这是听力吗……还是啥呀 我就找出一句错的
A They each have two tickets,代词,同位语;
B They cost 20 yuan each,副词,状语;
C错改为Each of them has bought the same book代词,Each of them一起做主语
D They were given two magazines each.副词,状语;
这是听力吗……还是啥呀 我就找出一句错的