假如你的朋友林涛学英语困难,请给他写一封建议信要点:1.英语是世界上最常用的语言之一,必须学好它 2.养成每天读英语的好习惯 3.多花时间用英语和他人交流 4.观看英文电影,读英语杂志,唱英语歌曲 5.


要点:1.英语是世界上最常用的语言之一,必须学好它 2.养成每天读英语的好习惯 3.多花时间用英语和他人交流 4.观看英文电影,读英语杂志,唱英语歌曲 5.
Dear Lintao,
I'm so sorry to heared that you have some trouble in learning english. You have asked me for my advice with regard to learn english,and I will try to make sonme conductive suggestions here.
In my humble opinion, English is one of the most commonly used language in the
world, so you need to learn it very well. You would be wise to take the following actions: Firstly, to tarin the habit of reading English every day.Secondly,spend more time to talk with ohers in english. Thridly,you can watch more english movies and read magazine of english or sing some english songs. Finaly,you can also turn to your teacher for help.
Dear Lintao,
I'm so sorry to heared that you have some trouble in learning english. You have asked me for my advice with regard to learn english,and I will try to make sonme conductive suggestions here.
In my humble opinion, English is one of the most commonly used language in the
world, so you need to learn it very well. You would be wise to take the following actions: Firstly, to tarin the habit of reading English every day.Secondly,spend more time to talk with ohers in english. Thridly,you can watch more english movies and read magazine of english or sing some english songs. Finaly,you can also turn to your teacher for help.