假如你的外籍老师Miss White要去你家家访,请告诉她从学校到你家的路线 英语作文


假如你的外籍老师Miss White要去你家家访,请告诉她从学校到你家的路线 英语作文
Dear Miss WhiteWelcome to our home. Now let me tell you how to get to my home. When you go out of our school. Turn left and walk on. There is No.366 Bus Stop. Get on the bus and get off at Xihongmen ... Dear Miss WhiteWelcome to our home. Now let me tell you how to get to my home. When you go out of our school. Turn left and walk on. There is No.366 Bus Stop. Get on the bus and get off at Xihongmen ...
相关标签: 假如 学校 路线 英语 作文