英语改错题(答案及解析)1、We have studied most of the book by the end of last month.2、Jim is much cleverer than any other students in Grade 3,but he doesn't work hard3、To hurt by thier impolite words ,Mr Sun left the the meeting room angrily.4、The patient was last s


1、We have studied most of the book by the end of last month.
2、Jim is much cleverer than any other students in Grade 3,but he doesn't work hard
3、To hurt by thier impolite words ,Mr Sun left the the meeting room angrily.
4、The patient was last seen hang out in the park near the hospital

have 改had. 后面的时间状语和过去完成时连用的.

students 改 student .  any other 后面跟单数.

to 去掉.to do 是为了的意思,这里显然不对.直接用hurt 开头,表示被伤害.

to hang. be seen to do 被看到做某事要用这个结构的.

have 改had. 后面的时间状语和过去完成时连用的.

students 改 student .  any other 后面跟单数.

to 去掉.to do 是为了的意思,这里显然不对.直接用hurt 开头,表示被伤害.

to hang. be seen to do 被看到做某事要用这个结构的.
