在线翻译英语!不要机器翻译!求人工!校园是我们学生每天停留时间最多的地方,我们在这里像海绵一样吸取着知识的养分.文明行为使校园和谐,也是学生高素质的体现. 构建和谐校园需要建立和谐的师生关系.同学应该尊敬老师讲礼貌,老师应该爱护同学.同学之间要互相帮助,维护校园环境,爱护校园里的花草树木. 构建和谐校园还需要建立良好的学风、良好的校风.我们要倡导一种蓬勃向上的团队作风,一种脚踏实地的学习精神.一种团结奋进的班风和刻苦勤奋的学风能促使个人在良好的环境中成长.良好的校风如春风化雨,吸


School yard is the place that our student spend the most of our day, we stay here to absorb the knowlege like a sponge sucking the water. The courteous behavior will make our school more harmonious, and it also shows the good quality of student.
To establish a harmonious school requires a nice rapport between student and teacher. Students shall be courteous and respective to teachers, and relatively, teachers shall be afectionate to students. Student have to help each other, take care to the enviroment of the school and the trees or flowers either.
To establish a harmonious school also requires initiating a good customary on studing. We need to advocate a positively cooperating style of work, a kind of down-to-earth spirit on studing.
A cooperative and industrous quality improves an individual grows well in an nice enviroment. A nice school is like spring wind which warms people and timely rain which waters the earth. It makes us studing hard, and struggling unrelentingly for our ideal. It can also construct a harmonic educating atmosphere.(这句话较原文改动较多,因为语言逻辑的原因.但意思是相符合的.)
That is my speech. Thanks!
School yard is the place that our student spend the most of our day, we stay here to absorb the knowlege like a sponge sucking the water. The courteous behavior will make our school more harmonious, and it also shows the good quality of student.
To establish a harmonious school requires a nice rapport between student and teacher. Students shall be courteous and respective to teachers, and relatively, teachers shall be afectionate to students. Student have to help each other, take care to the enviroment of the school and the trees or flowers either.
To establish a harmonious school also requires initiating a good customary on studing. We need to advocate a positively cooperating style of work, a kind of down-to-earth spirit on studing.
A cooperative and industrous quality improves an individual grows well in an nice enviroment. A nice school is like spring wind which warms people and timely rain which waters the earth. It makes us studing hard, and struggling unrelentingly for our ideal. It can also construct a harmonic educating atmosphere.(这句话较原文改动较多,因为语言逻辑的原因.但意思是相符合的.)
That is my speech. Thanks!