英语谚语One man'meat is another man's poison这个谚语用英语怎么解释?用英语讲一个跟这个言语有关的故事?同不同意这个观点并说理由(用英语)?


英语谚语One man'meat is another man's poison
I think it means that:one good thing is bad to another man,meat means a delicious food,but to another man ,it is poison.I agree this opinoin,because everyone's view to things is different,I like this,and this is useful to me,but it may not be so to you.Yes? I think it means that:one good thing is bad to another man,meat means a delicious food,but to another man ,it is poison.I agree this opinoin,because everyone's view to things is different,I like this,and this is useful to me,but it may not be so to you.Yes?