请各位帮忙用英文翻译一小段自我介绍,急用啊!需要翻译的一段中文如下: 早上好,请允许我做个简单的自我介绍.我叫**,今年**岁.来自****.我是个热情开朗,热爱生活,兴趣广泛的女孩.钟情交响乐,海顿、莫扎特和贝多芬的音乐都是我的最爱.喜欢漫画,漫画中总是有许多哲理,认为漫画只是小孩子的玩具那是一种偏见哦.偶尔涂鸦也是生活中的一大乐趣. 我总是真诚的对待我每一个朋友,融洽的友谊一直是我生活的主旋律.相信如果我得到这份工作,也会和我的同事上司保持愉快的关系. 我对生活的态度始终乐观,因为我认为这个世


Early very good, please allow me to make simple self introduction. Icall **, this year ** year old. Comes from ****. I Is an enthusiasm is open and bright, deeply loves the life, theinterest widespread girl. Clock sentiment symphony, Haydn, Mozart andborassus flabelliflor Profuse sound Ledu is I most loves. Likes the cartoon, in thecartoon always has many philosophy, thought the cartoon is only achild Sub- toy that is one prejudice oh. Occasionally spreads thecrow also is in a life big pleasure. I always sincere treat my each friend, the harmonious friendshipalways is a main melody which I lives. Believes like The fruit I obtains this work, also can maintain the happyrelations with mine colleague boss. I the manner always am optimistic to the life, because I think in thisworld always I too many joyful things . I thought my this kind of point of view also can make me tomaintain a good condition middle the work. Ha-ha, took everybody the time, thanked Early very good, please allow me to make simple self introduction. Icall **, this year ** year old. Comes from ****. I Is an enthusiasm is open and bright, deeply loves the life, theinterest widespread girl. Clock sentiment symphony, Haydn, Mozart andborassus flabelliflor Profuse sound Ledu is I most loves. Likes the cartoon, in thecartoon always has many philosophy, thought the cartoon is only achild Sub- toy that is one prejudice oh. Occasionally spreads thecrow also is in a life big pleasure. I always sincere treat my each friend, the harmonious friendshipalways is a main melody which I lives. Believes like The fruit I obtains this work, also can maintain the happyrelations with mine colleague boss. I the manner always am optimistic to the life, because I think in thisworld always I too many joyful things . I thought my this kind of point of view also can make me tomaintain a good condition middle the work. Ha-ha, took everybody the time, thanked