请你用英文描述你觉得过去发生的最有意思的一次经历,比如旅行、参观动物园、周末活动等等.开头已给出.(要求词数60以上.)必须包含以下要点:1.你和谁去的?2.乘坐了什么交通工具?3.你们具体看了或做了些什么?4.最后感觉如何?Last week,I went to.


Last week,I went to___.
Last week,I went to the beach  with my father.(直接引出主题做什么了)We set out early in the morning.We went there by car.Our destination:Dalian.I've always been to the beach.My childhood memories were those that were spent at the beach.【高分句型一】Upon reaching Dalian,we saw many ships lay on the bank.When I gazed out to the open sea,I could see the edge of the sea meeting the edge of the sky.【高分句型二】It was a fantastic feeling.The blue waters are really truly beautiful.I could sense serenity all around me.I'll never forget this day in my life.(感觉如何?) Last week,I went to the beach  with my father.(直接引出主题做什么了)We set out early in the morning.We went there by car.Our destination:Dalian.I've always been to the beach.My childhood memories were those that were spent at the beach.【高分句型一】Upon reaching Dalian,we saw many ships lay on the bank.When I gazed out to the open sea,I could see the edge of the sea meeting the edge of the sky.【高分句型二】It was a fantastic feeling.The blue waters are really truly beautiful.I could sense serenity all around me.I'll never forget this day in my life.(感觉如何?)