请帮我将这段话翻译成英文 谢谢谢谢谢谢 顺便求五月天中英文对照介绍“因为玩音乐快乐,因为玩音乐的生活让我有存在感,有双脚踏在地上的感觉,直到听音乐入了神,才能脚尖一掂,轻轻飘飘地浮在太空.在太空中回过头,你会看到一颗蓝得令人心疼的大弹珠,那是我所有成长回忆的地方.我看着上面的岛屿山峦,密布着蛛网小径,发现了我遗忘已久的足迹和回忆.”——阿信


请帮我将这段话翻译成英文 谢谢谢谢谢谢 顺便求五月天中英文对照介绍
Because play music happy,because play music life let me there a sense,a step on the ground with both feet feel,listen to music until the god,to tiptoe a weigh in hand,flowing gently to float in space.In space,turn around,you will see a blue is a great love of marbles,that is all my memories growing up the place.I looked at the mountains above the island,with the web path,found out that I have long forgotten the footprint and memories.
.”——阿信 应该对的
Because play music happy,because play music life let me there a sense,a step on the ground with both feet feel,listen to music until the god,to tiptoe a weigh in hand,flowing gently to float in space.In space,turn around,you will see a blue is a great love of marbles,that is all my memories growing up the place.I looked at the mountains above the island,with the web path,found out that I have long forgotten the footprint and memories.
.”——阿信 应该对的