英语翻译探讨提高小学英语单词教学的策略摘要:记忆单词是小学生学英语的一个薄弱环节,如何帮助学生在单位时间内最高效率地牢牢记住所学的词汇,针对小学生如何掌握有效的学习方法这一问题,笔者总结了在英语单词教学上一些记忆层面的策略.本文试图按照汉语拼音的正迁移规律,建立音形对应规律,进行"直呼式” 音标教学法.充分利用单词的发音巩固单词记忆,用立体听觉刺激法来强化记忆单词.坚持在真实的语景中运用单词、句子促进学生牢固掌握词汇,培养学生灵活运用英语进行交际的言语能力.关键词:单词教学 直呼式 整体性 立体听觉刺激法


摘要:记忆单词是小学生学英语的一个薄弱环节,如何帮助学生在单位时间内最高效率地牢牢记住所学的词汇,针对小学生如何掌握有效的学习方法这一问题,笔者总结了在英语单词教学上一些记忆层面的策略.本文试图按照汉语拼音的正迁移规律,建立音形对应规律,进行"直呼式” 音标教学法.充分利用单词的发音巩固单词记忆,用立体听觉刺激法来强化记忆单词.坚持在真实的语景中运用单词、句子促进学生牢固掌握词汇,培养学生灵活运用英语进行交际的言语能力.
关键词:单词教学 直呼式 整体性 立体听觉刺激法 故事法
Word memorizing is a weakness for primary students in learning English.The question now is to help students to achieve maximum efficiency and learn about more words in a certain time. In order to teach students about the method of efficient learning, the author of this essay had concluded several learning strategy on English learning on the memory level. This essay trys to copy the way these students learn Chinese- establish a kind of pattern through the positive transfer of the pronunciation of pinyin- to use "direct pronunce" of phonograms. Make full use of the pronunciation of words to solidate the memory of those words, in another word, we should use dimensional sound as acoustic stimuli to strenthen their memory of the words. Use words and sentences in a real situation helps them to master the use of those word. Meanwhile, it also improve the students' ability to communicate in English.
Key words: Word teaching direct pronunce entirely
dimensional sound as acoustic stimuli story-telling method
Word memorizing is a weakness for primary students in learning English.The question now is to help students to achieve maximum efficiency and learn about more words in a certain time. In order to teach students about the method of efficient learning, the author of this essay had concluded several learning strategy on English learning on the memory level. This essay trys to copy the way these students learn Chinese- establish a kind of pattern through the positive transfer of the pronunciation of pinyin- to use "direct pronunce" of phonograms. Make full use of the pronunciation of words to solidate the memory of those words, in another word, we should use dimensional sound as acoustic stimuli to strenthen their memory of the words. Use words and sentences in a real situation helps them to master the use of those word. Meanwhile, it also improve the students' ability to communicate in English.
Key words: Word teaching direct pronunce entirely
dimensional sound as acoustic stimuli story-telling method