英语翻译22.这本书着重写了将军的军旅岁月.emphasize23.她的父母鼓励她好好学习.encourage24.我估计她有30岁.estimate25.我和你调一个座位好吗?exchange sth.with sb.26.我面临了新的问题.face27.失败是成功之母.failure28.到1914年,爱因斯坦已闻名世界.fame29.他赞成死刑吗?favor30.不要忘记对父母的责任.forget31.公路从山间峡谷穿过.gap32.当我们到达车站时,汽车还在等着.get to33.这场雨水保证了今


25.我和你调一个座位好吗?exchange sth.with sb.
32.当我们到达车站时,汽车还在等着.get to
34.如果你继续这样下去,势必有一天要犯大错误.go on
35.他已长成一个有教养的青年人.grow into
36.你最好多找父母聊聊.had better
37.这次火灾与店主无关.have nothing to do with …
39.我认为他有所隐瞒,他知道的比他承认的要多.hold back
22.这本书着重写了将军的军旅岁月. emphasize
This book emphasizes on the years of the general's military life
23.她的父母鼓励她好好学习. encourage
Her parents encourage her to study hard
24.我估计她有30岁. estimate
I estimated her age at 30
25.我和你调一个座位好吗? exchange sth. with sb.
Can I exchange the seat with you?
26.我面临了新的问题. face
I face a new problem
27.失败是成功之母. failure
Failure is the mother of success
28.到1914年,爱因斯坦已闻名世界. fame
By the year 1914,the fame of Einstein was known around the world
29.他赞成死刑吗? favor
does he in favor of death penalty?
30.不要忘记对父母的责任. forget
Do not forget your responsibility to your parents
31.公路从山间峡谷穿过. gap
The highway across the valley from the gap
32.当我们到达车站时,汽车还在等着. get to
The bus was still waiting when we got to the bus station
33.这场雨水保证了今年有好收成. guarantee
The heavy rain guarantees the great harvest of this year
34.如果你继续这样下去,势必有一天要犯大错误. go on
you will make a great mistake if you just go on doing this
35.他已长成一个有教养的青年人. grow into
He has grown into a well educated young man
36.你最好多找父母聊聊. had better
You had better to have more talk with your parents
37.这次火灾与店主无关. have nothing to do with …
The fire have nothing to do with the shop keeper
38.他由于健康上的原因而提前退休. health
He applied for the retirement because of the health problem
39.我认为他有所隐瞒,他知道的比他承认的要多. hold back
i think he has held back something,he knows more than he admitted
40.很荣幸今晚能和你一起. honor
It's my honor to be with you tonight
22.这本书着重写了将军的军旅岁月. emphasize
This book emphasizes on the years of the general's military life
23.她的父母鼓励她好好学习. encourage
Her parents encourage her to study hard
24.我估计她有30岁. estimate
I estimated her age at 30
25.我和你调一个座位好吗? exchange sth. with sb.
Can I exchange the seat with you?
26.我面临了新的问题. face
I face a new problem
27.失败是成功之母. failure
Failure is the mother of success
28.到1914年,爱因斯坦已闻名世界. fame
By the year 1914,the fame of Einstein was known around the world
29.他赞成死刑吗? favor
does he in favor of death penalty?
30.不要忘记对父母的责任. forget
Do not forget your responsibility to your parents
31.公路从山间峡谷穿过. gap
The highway across the valley from the gap
32.当我们到达车站时,汽车还在等着. get to
The bus was still waiting when we got to the bus station
33.这场雨水保证了今年有好收成. guarantee
The heavy rain guarantees the great harvest of this year
34.如果你继续这样下去,势必有一天要犯大错误. go on
you will make a great mistake if you just go on doing this
35.他已长成一个有教养的青年人. grow into
He has grown into a well educated young man
36.你最好多找父母聊聊. had better
You had better to have more talk with your parents
37.这次火灾与店主无关. have nothing to do with …
The fire have nothing to do with the shop keeper
38.他由于健康上的原因而提前退休. health
He applied for the retirement because of the health problem
39.我认为他有所隐瞒,他知道的比他承认的要多. hold back
i think he has held back something,he knows more than he admitted
40.很荣幸今晚能和你一起. honor
It's my honor to be with you tonight