刺客信条大革命主线游戏结束时阿诺说的话的英文原文是什么? 就是下面这段独白的英文,急求! 亚诺独白:刺客兄弟会的教条教导我们诸行皆可,我曾以为表示我们可以自由地做想做的事,为了追求理想而不计任何代价。现在我懂了,诸行并非都得到允许,而是教条本身即为一种警告。  理想太容易跟教义妥协,而教条则让人变得狂人。没有任何权利高过我们自己的判断。也没有至高的主宰在监视,可以惩罚我们的罪。到了最后,只有我们自己可以避免过度执着,也只有我们自己可以决定前进的路是否要付出太高的代价。我们总以为自己是救赎者、复仇者或救星。




Assassins brotherhood doctrine taught us the sankharas are available, I used to think we can do it free to want to do, at any cost in pursuit of the ideal. Now I understand, and the line is not allowed, but the doctrine itself is a kind of warning. Ideal with teachings compromise too easily, and doctrine is to let a person become a madman. Without any right above our own judgment. Also not to dominate in the monitor, can punish our SINS. In the end, and only we can avoid excessive clinging, only we can decide the way forward for yourself whether to pay a high price. We always think oneself is the redeemer, revenge, or saviour. We to waging war against us, and then they, in turn, to me, go to war. We always dream to make our mark in the world... But we do not only in the history of the war to sacrifice his own life in vain. What we do, we now have, will be disappeared with our own . Assassins brotherhood doctrine taught us the sankharas are available, I used to think we can do it free to want to do, at any cost in pursuit of the ideal. Now I understand, and the line is not allowed, but the doctrine itself is a kind of warning. Ideal with teachings compromise too easily, and doctrine is to let a person become a madman. Without any right above our own judgment. Also not to dominate in the monitor, can punish our SINS. In the end, and only we can avoid excessive clinging, only we can decide the way forward for yourself whether to pay a high price. We always think oneself is the redeemer, revenge, or saviour. We to waging war against us, and then they, in turn, to me, go to war. We always dream to make our mark in the world... But we do not only in the history of the war to sacrifice his own life in vain. What we do, we now have, will be disappeared with our own .