这个句中though 是什么意思?when she was a sophomore,though,she took a course in biology.这句话翻译为当她是一个大二的学生时,她选修了生物学.这句话中though起什么作用,表转折吗?


这个句中though 是什么意思?
when she was a sophomore,though,she took a course in biology.这句话翻译为当她是一个大二的学生时,她选修了生物学.这句话中though起什么作用,表转折吗?
没有上下文吗?She wante.Id to be one perhaps like the English poet John Masefield.His fine words had fired her imagination about the sea,which she had never seen.上文讲到 她想成为一个像John Masefield一样的英国诗人,因为John Masefield的语句激发了她对大海的想象.那照常理来说,她应该会选择文学方面的专业,可是她却选择了生物(我们都知道生物是自然科学,而文学是人文艺术)所以,是转折的意思,没错啊. 没有上下文吗?She wante.Id to be one perhaps like the English poet John Masefield.His fine words had fired her imagination about the sea,which she had never seen.上文讲到 她想成为一个像John Masefield一样的英国诗人,因为John Masefield的语句激发了她对大海的想象.那照常理来说,她应该会选择文学方面的专业,可是她却选择了生物(我们都知道生物是自然科学,而文学是人文艺术)所以,是转折的意思,没错啊.
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