雅思口语第一部分的几个问题 这几个是第一部分关于occupation的问题,该怎么回答,what are you studing for?can you tell me something about you student life?why do people have worked thingk school life is happy?还有一个 do you study part-time while working


what are you studing for?
can you tell me something about you student life?
why do people have worked thingk school life is happy?
还有一个 do you study part-time while working
1、i major in .,and this is a very promising area in the future.
2、my life at school is quite simple ,i just go the routing that most of the students do.go to class when we need to,have fun together in our leisure time,and do everything independantly if we can.
3、i think maybe the life at school does not entail that much of competition and stress.we don't neet to coerce ourselves to work so hard that we could beat sb.and to make a living for a family.
4、no,i am in a full-time university,but i really thought about getting a part-time job at the free time.that may be a good opportunnty to gain more social experience meanwhile to make some pocket money.
1、i major in .,and this is a very promising area in the future.
2、my life at school is quite simple ,i just go the routing that most of the students do.go to class when we need to,have fun together in our leisure time,and do everything independantly if we can.
3、i think maybe the life at school does not entail that much of competition and stress.we don't neet to coerce ourselves to work so hard that we could beat sb.and to make a living for a family.
4、no,i am in a full-time university,but i really thought about getting a part-time job at the free time.that may be a good opportunnty to gain more social experience meanwhile to make some pocket money.