长途电话区号英语怎么说的010,of beijing.问号该写什么单词呢
010,of beijing.问号该写什么单词呢
010 是北京的 city code.但city code 并不单指电话区位号,还可以指别的,例如邮政编码等等.所以 如果想明确表达长途电话的区号,可以使用更明确的词:long-distance code
To dial long-distance locations,one must have a long-distance authorization code.
Use a long-distance code to dial internationally
Dial 9 + 011 + country code + city code + local number + #
System will pause for entry of long-distance code
Enter the long-distance code + #,and the call will complete
010 是北京的 city code.但city code 并不单指电话区位号,还可以指别的,例如邮政编码等等.所以 如果想明确表达长途电话的区号,可以使用更明确的词:long-distance code
To dial long-distance locations,one must have a long-distance authorization code.
Use a long-distance code to dial internationally
Dial 9 + 011 + country code + city code + local number + #
System will pause for entry of long-distance code
Enter the long-distance code + #,and the call will complete