英语翻译把下面这段话帮我翻译成英文 不要用什么翻译软件来翻译 那样有好多语法错误的 分不多就这些了 著名学者李昂从情节、景物描写和象征三个角度探讨海明威在《永别了,武器》中所体现的宿命论观点,提出通过在《永别了,武器》中建立起自己的生活哲学,海明威为他在其中、后期的作品中寻找一种有意义的、得体的生活方式铺就了道路;学者徐楠通过对《永别了,武器》中战争机器的残酷杀戮、小说主人公的不幸遭遇和象征主义手法的运用三个方面的分析,论证了小说具有的浓重的悲剧色彩.学者张建稳、张晨虹提出《永别了,武器》虽以反对帝国主义


把下面这段话帮我翻译成英文 不要用什么翻译软件来翻译 那样有好多语法错误的 分不多就这些了
不要用翻译软件啊 能看出来的
the famous scholar Li Ang discussed the fatalism expressed by Hemingway in the book "Goodbye,Weapon" in three aspects:plot,scenery,and symbol.Li suggested that by establishing his philosophy in "Goodbye,Weapon",Hemingway made a road for finding a meaningful and appropriate lifestyle in his later works.another scholar Xu Nan analyzed the cruel slaughter of war machines,the misfortune of the leading character,and the application of symbolism,and then proved the tragedy of the novel.two other scholars Zhang Jianwen and Zhang Chenhong pointed out that though "Goodbye,Weapon" used the topic of antiimperialism,as a hazy anti-war individual,Hemingway did not analyse the root of war.though he cursed war,he failed to find the right way to end war,so he lost himself,and that's way this novel was filled with confusion and tragedy. the famous scholar Li Ang discussed the fatalism expressed by Hemingway in the book "Goodbye,Weapon" in three aspects:plot,scenery,and symbol.Li suggested that by establishing his philosophy in "Goodbye,Weapon",Hemingway made a road for finding a meaningful and appropriate lifestyle in his later works.another scholar Xu Nan analyzed the cruel slaughter of war machines,the misfortune of the leading character,and the application of symbolism,and then proved the tragedy of the novel.two other scholars Zhang Jianwen and Zhang Chenhong pointed out that though "Goodbye,Weapon" used the topic of antiimperialism,as a hazy anti-war individual,Hemingway did not analyse the root of war.though he cursed war,he failed to find the right way to end war,so he lost himself,and that's way this novel was filled with confusion and tragedy.
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