在英语口语课上,你班学生讨论了中学生追求时尚的现象。内容涉及到以下三个方面:1. 时尚总是在变化,中学生很难跟上;2. 追求时尚既费钱又费时,而且影响学习;3. 多数时尚服饰并不适合中学生。请根据以上内容写一篇短文,谈谈你对中学生追求时尚的看法。80词左右。提示词语: keep up with 跟上,赶上; go with the fashion 追求时尚,赶时髦     



1. 时尚总是在变化,中学生很难跟上;

2. 追求时尚既费钱又费时,而且影响学习;

3. 多数时尚服饰并不适合中学生。


提示词语: keep up with 跟上,赶上; go with the fashion 追求时尚,赶时髦







Fashion is changing all the time and it’s hard for middle school students to keep up with.

Some students spend so much money and time following the fashion that they can’t pay much attention to their atudies. What’s more most of the fashionable clothes are not suitable for sruednts.

As students we don’t have enough money. And the most important thing for us now is to learn all the subjects well. So I don’t think it’s necessary for us to go with the fashion. Instead we should concentrate on our schoolwork.

Fashion is changing all the time and it’s hard for middle school students to keep up with.

Some students spend so much money and time following the fashion that they can’t pay much attention to their atudies. What’s more most of the fashionable clothes are not suitable for sruednts.

As students we don’t have enough money. And the most important thing for us now is to learn all the subjects well. So I don’t think it’s necessary for us to go with the fashion. Instead we should concentrate on our schoolwork.
