

Unit 8
when is your birthday ? My birthday is on May 2nd
When is his birthday? His birthday is on January 17th
When is her birthday? It's in August
When is Alice's birthday? Her birtday is on September 5th
When is yoru father's birthday ? His birthday is April 21st
Unit 9
What's your favorite subject? My favorite subject is Chinese
What's hisfavorite subject? His favorite subject is Chines
What'sher your favorite subject? Her favorite subect is art
Why does Bob like history? Because it's interesting
Why do Frank ad Bob like P.E.? Because it's fun
Who is your music teacher? My music teacher is Ms.Xie
When is our geography class? It's on Monday and Friday
Unit 8
when is your birthday ? My birthday is on May 2nd
When is his birthday? His birthday is on January 17th
When is her birthday? It's in August
When is Alice's birthday? Her birtday is on September 5th
When is yoru father's birthday ? His birthday is April 21st
Unit 9
What's your favorite subject? My favorite subject is Chinese
What's hisfavorite subject? His favorite subject is Chines
What'sher your favorite subject? Her favorite subect is art
Why does Bob like history? Because it's interesting
Why do Frank ad Bob like P.E.? Because it's fun
Who is your music teacher? My music teacher is Ms.Xie
When is our geography class? It's on Monday and Friday