关于考试的英语作文 要求:1、对考试的两种不同观点 2、考试的一般作用 3、自己的看法


关于考试的英语作文 要求:1、对考试的两种不同观点 2、考试的一般作用 3、自己的看法
Different people have different opinons towards current exams.There are two views conerning exams.Some people supporting it insist that exams are of great help for contemporary society to test our students.Besides,still some against the view believe that the exam is not a good way to select gifted people.The exam is one,in their opinon, that can't bring out students' thorough ability.
As a matter of fact , so many advantages do the exam have that we can't deny its uses.On one hand,it can show what students have mastered during the study.On the other hand,the exam also offer students the chances to show their talents.Besides,it can help us build up our ability to cope with fierce competition,which is a must now.
On my point of view,every coin has two sides.Generally, the exam is necessary and of great help.But it goes without saying that it has some disadvantages.For instance,it may not be equel.Beacuse some giftes students can't do well in exams.As a result,they may lose a good chance to make contributions to society.
Different people have different opinons towards current exams.There are two views conerning exams.Some people supporting it insist that exams are of great help for contemporary society to test our students.Besides,still some against the view believe that the exam is not a good way to select gifted people.The exam is one,in their opinon, that can't bring out students' thorough ability.
As a matter of fact , so many advantages do the exam have that we can't deny its uses.On one hand,it can show what students have mastered during the study.On the other hand,the exam also offer students the chances to show their talents.Besides,it can help us build up our ability to cope with fierce competition,which is a must now.
On my point of view,every coin has two sides.Generally, the exam is necessary and of great help.But it goes without saying that it has some disadvantages.For instance,it may not be equel.Beacuse some giftes students can't do well in exams.As a result,they may lose a good chance to make contributions to society.
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