高一英语作文 正方:positive 反方:negative side你校打算组织一场英语辩论赛,其中话题是“家长是否应该开车接送孩子上学防守”,你作为班级的代表,请根据表格内容写一篇不少于100词的英文要点稿,因比赛是临时抽签决定正反两方,所以你要将正方和反方的观点分别列出为辩论赛作准备.


高一英语作文 正方:positive 反方:negative side
1:children could avoid crowding into bus or subway if school is far away from their home
2:Compared with other children who go to school by themselves ,it relatively saves much time if the traffic situation is good.
3:rule out some safety hazard.
1:the health of children decreases in a very fast speed due to their lacks of exercise.
2:children will depend on their parents more frequently than before when they face some trivial problems.
3:opportunity for approaching the society is getting fewer and fewer once they are protected by their parents.
1:children could avoid crowding into bus or subway if school is far away from their home
2:Compared with other children who go to school by themselves ,it relatively saves much time if the traffic situation is good.
3:rule out some safety hazard.
1:the health of children decreases in a very fast speed due to their lacks of exercise.
2:children will depend on their parents more frequently than before when they face some trivial problems.
3:opportunity for approaching the society is getting fewer and fewer once they are protected by their parents.