

By economic development is getting rapidly,in our country the quantity of vehicles is growing daily.In particular,private vehicles are getting so fast.This benefit by the people’s living level improvement,of course,the car is a convenience for people’s life as same as it caused a series of environmental,social problems such as traffic jam,air pollution noise pollution those are bothering urban resident.Therefore,the way how to improve public transportation,establish public bicycle stops,guide the citizen to choose healthy,green environmental transportation methods is getting very important.Only this could excellent relieves traffic congestion and other issues. By economic development is getting rapidly,in our country the quantity of vehicles is growing daily.In particular,private vehicles are getting so fast.This benefit by the people’s living level improvement,of course,the car is a convenience for people’s life as same as it caused a series of environmental,social problems such as traffic jam,air pollution noise pollution those are bothering urban resident.Therefore,the way how to improve public transportation,establish public bicycle stops,guide the citizen to choose healthy,green environmental transportation methods is getting very important.Only this could excellent relieves traffic congestion and other issues.