

Learning English just like learning any other language,is hard work so you should spend time practicing using English for communication.Besides,you should listening to English radio programmes and attending English debbates and speech contests.What's more,be patient and confident.Don't be shy and don't be afraid of making mistakes.We must understand that mistakes are unavoidable.A saying goes" Failure will blossom into success." So be patient with your mistakes and try to awoid them other time.I believe" practice makes perfect".So why not try to speak English as often as you can. Learning English just like learning any other language,is hard work so you should spend time practicing using English for communication.Besides,you should listening to English radio programmes and attending English debbates and speech contests.What's more,be patient and confident.Don't be shy and don't be afraid of making mistakes.We must understand that mistakes are unavoidable.A saying goes" Failure will blossom into success." So be patient with your mistakes and try to awoid them other time.I believe" practice makes perfect".So why not try to speak English as often as you can.
相关标签: 英语口语 作文