求大神翻译成(英文)   随着信息技术的迅速发展,以多媒体计算机、网络为代表的信息技术给教育行业的发展前景带来新的机遇,为传统的教学方式注入了活力,给其带来了重大的革命.Internet使信息的传播不再受时间和地点的限制,开发充分利用网络教学系统,是解决教育信息化发展的一种趋势.作业作为一项重要的教学活动,在日常的教学中占有举足轻重的作用,如何方便快捷的实现作业的提交和审查成为教学活动中的一项棘手的问题.因此基于Web的作业提交与批改系统便成为网络教学系统不可或缺的组成部分.利用计算机及网络的优势,它能实


本系统采用了当前比较流行的B/S 架构,通过JSP、Servlet、JavaBean、Mysql数据库等软件,配合比较流行的MVC设计模式完成了作业管理系统教师及学生角色的基本作业管理,实现作业提交、批改、评价等基本功能
With the rapid development of information technology, multimedia computer,
network as the representative of the information technology brings new
opportunity to the development prospects of education industry, has injected
vitality into the traditional teaching way, brought great revolution to its.
Internet makes the dissemination of information is not restricted by time and
place, to develop and make full use of network teaching system, is a trend of
the development of education information. Work as an important teaching
activities play a decisive role, plays role in daily teaching, implement job
submission and review has become a difficult problem in teaching how to
conveniently. Therefore, based on the Web assignment submission and correction
system has become an indispensable part of network teaching system. The use of
computer and network advantages, it can realize two-way information transfer,
improving the quality of teaching and management efficiency.
This system
uses the current popular B/S structure, through the JSP, Servlet, JavaBean,
Mysql database software, with the MVC design pattern of popular completed the
basic operation management role of teachers and students of the job management
system, job submission, implementation, evaluation and other basic functions.
With the rapid development of information technology, multimedia computer,
network as the representative of the information technology brings new
opportunity to the development prospects of education industry, has injected
vitality into the traditional teaching way, brought great revolution to its.
Internet makes the dissemination of information is not restricted by time and
place, to develop and make full use of network teaching system, is a trend of
the development of education information. Work as an important teaching
activities play a decisive role, plays role in daily teaching, implement job
submission and review has become a difficult problem in teaching how to
conveniently. Therefore, based on the Web assignment submission and correction
system has become an indispensable part of network teaching system. The use of
computer and network advantages, it can realize two-way information transfer,
improving the quality of teaching and management efficiency.
This system
uses the current popular B/S structure, through the JSP, Servlet, JavaBean,
Mysql database software, with the MVC design pattern of popular completed the
basic operation management role of teachers and students of the job management
system, job submission, implementation, evaluation and other basic functions.