谁能帮我以「人们对上网的意见」的英语作文内容比如说.赞同的:什么能交广泛的朋友…之类的 反对的:费时间.之类 最好有翻译.会考作文!


内容比如说.赞同的:什么能交广泛的朋友…之类的 反对的:费时间.之类 最好有翻译.会考作文!
这是我写的.with the development of teacnology and society,internet has already become our necessities to study and have fun.internet are becoming more and more powerful to use and search information.the advantages are clear to us.first,we can make the full use of it to obtain knowledge.second,it is very convenient for us to know the fresh information at any time if we want.third,we can play computer games and communnicate with our friends and parents.however,noting is perfect.some boys may be addicted to computer games .they will be hurt by it.it is likely for some people to do illegal bussiness on the internet.from where i stand ,i think we should treat it objectively.control ourselves to use it.after all,the world belongs to those who can control themselves wisely. 这是我写的.with the development of teacnology and society,internet has already become our necessities to study and have fun.internet are becoming more and more powerful to use and search information.the advantages are clear to us.first,we can make the full use of it to obtain knowledge.second,it is very convenient for us to know the fresh information at any time if we want.third,we can play computer games and communnicate with our friends and parents.however,noting is perfect.some boys may be addicted to computer games .they will be hurt by it.it is likely for some people to do illegal bussiness on the internet.from where i stand ,i think we should treat it objectively.control ourselves to use it.after all,the world belongs to those who can control themselves wisely.