我想申请香港理工大学的酒店管理研究生,它的官网上对申请的要求貌似并没提到GPA,是不是就说明不对其要求这是原文,看看是不是这样,对哪些方面有要求也请罗列下Applicants should normally have an English level of at least CET 6, and may be required to sit an English examination to prove their aptitude. Applicants do not need to sit the n


Applicants should normally have an English level of at least CET 6, and may be required to sit an English examination to prove their aptitude. Applicants do not need to sit the national public examination for Master applicants, but are required to attend an interview with the Programme Committee.
Students are required to complete 31 credits for graduation. The tuition fee is RMB3,300 per credit. The application fee and the caution money are RMB300 and RMB350 respectively. Please note that the fees are subject to change without prior notice.
基本上所有港校都不会在申请的requirements上写对GPA的要求!!但是我这样跟你说吧,如果你的背景是211/985,GPA在均分80分以上,你成功申请的可能性很大,如果你不是211/985,那么如果你的GPA不在均分85分以上,而... 基本上所有港校都不会在申请的requirements上写对GPA的要求!!但是我这样跟你说吧,如果你的背景是211/985,GPA在均分80分以上,你成功申请的可能性很大,如果你不是211/985,那么如果你的GPA不在均分85分以上,而...