请大家给我的托福作文评评分41.Some people think that human needs for farmland,housing,and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals.Do you agree or disagree with this point of view?Why or why not?Use specific reasons and examples to support yo


41.Some people think that human needs for farmland,housing,and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals.Do you agree or disagree with this point of view?Why or why not?Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Many,maintaining this viewpoint that it's prior to meet human needs for farmland,housing,and industry,claim that it is we that dominate the Earth so that it is fairly reasonable to consider ourselves first.I concede their opinion,from my perspective,rescuing animals which are facing extinction and offering them a suitable habitat is the most significant.
The primary reason to support my opinion is that diversity is indispensable in the nature.We cannot live by ourselves without other species.Only focusing our eyes on our interests and ignoring animals’ right to live will sooner or later put ourselves in an endangered situation.For instance,if we cut down all the forests,all kinds of birds will have to exile and even get access to the gate of death.Then what will happen?Imagine that how fast insects will reproduce without being captured by birds.And what's more?The insects will bring a catastrophe to the farmland which we have ploughed from generation to generation.Consequently it is crucial for people to guarantee the diversity and keep the balance of nature.
To back up my point,it could be relevant to include another cause that saving land for animals in fact could enhance the overall standard of our living.Few would dispute that it will be very terrible to live in a gigantic monster of concrete and very lonely to live in a farmland surrounding with only agricultural machines.Nevertheless,if we ensure a sound habitat for animals,the situation could be totally different.There is no better illustration to prove this idea than the example of the wild zoo which provides a fertile land for wild animals and simultaneously creates a stage for human and animals to communicate.The harmony between human and other animals is one of the most vital topics in the world.Therefore in order to reach the harmony,we certainly could not put the settlement problem of animals aside.
From all the evidence mentioned above comes this natural summary that we human ought to own foresight for the future and hold an indiscriminate love for all the livings in the world.
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