of有表示“的”意思,for也有,怎样区分?homework for today 是今天的作业的意思French for today 是今日法语的意思map of China是中国的地图的意思例如:Japanese for kidsthe name of me为什么表示……的东西有的用for来表示?有的用of来表示?怎样区分?


homework for today 是今天的作业的意思
French for today 是今日法语的意思
map of China是中国的地图的意思
例如:Japanese for kids
the name of me
used to show who is intended to have or use something or where something is intended to be put (表示对象、用途等)给,对,供
There's a letter for you.有你(的)一封信.
It's a book for children.这是本儿童(的)读物.
in order to help somebody/something 以帮助;为了
soldiers fighting for their country 为祖国出征(的)军人
belonging to somebody; relating to somebody 属于(某人);关于(某人)
a friend of mine 我(的)一个朋友
the love of a mother for her child 母亲对孩子(的)爱
the role of the teacher 教师(的)角色
Can't you throw out that old bike of Tommy's?难道你就不能把汤米那辆旧自行车给扔掉?
the paintings of Monet 莫奈的画作
belonging to something; being part of something; relating to something 属于(某物);(某事)部份的;关于(某物)
used to show who is intended to have or use something or where something is intended to be put (表示对象、用途等)给,对,供
There's a letter for you.有你(的)一封信.
It's a book for children.这是本儿童(的)读物.
in order to help somebody/something 以帮助;为了
soldiers fighting for their country 为祖国出征(的)军人
belonging to somebody; relating to somebody 属于(某人);关于(某人)
a friend of mine 我(的)一个朋友
the love of a mother for her child 母亲对孩子(的)爱
the role of the teacher 教师(的)角色
Can't you throw out that old bike of Tommy's?难道你就不能把汤米那辆旧自行车给扔掉?
the paintings of Monet 莫奈的画作
belonging to something; being part of something; relating to something 属于(某物);(某事)部份的;关于(某物)