英语翻译的嘛0123拜托了各位 谢谢finally aboyt 2.6 million yearsago somall clever animals,now with hands and feet,appered and spread and spread all over the earth,thus they have, in their turn become the most importrant animals on the planet.But they are not looking aft


英语翻译的嘛0123拜托了各位 谢谢
finally aboyt 2.6 million yearsago somall clever animals,now with hands and feet,appered and spread and spread all over the earth,thus they have, in their turn become the most importrant animals on the planet.But they are not looking after the erth very well.They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.As aresult of this,many scient,believe the earth may become too hot to live on.Sowhether life willsontine on the earth for milons of yeras to come willdepend on whether this sprobelem can be solved. 打得想抽筋啦.如果有些单词打错麻烦改正后翻译把.
最后大概26000000年之前,聪明的小动物,现在有手和脚的,出现并扩散,并遍布整个地球,因此他们相应的成为这个星球上最重要的动物.但他们并没有好好照看地球.他们往大气里输入太多的防止热量从地球上逃跑到太空的二氧化碳.由于这个,很多科学家相信地球将会太热而不能居住.因此,千百年之后地球还能不能居住人,在在于能不能解决这个问题. 最后大概26000000年之前,聪明的小动物,现在有手和脚的,出现并扩散,并遍布整个地球,因此他们相应的成为这个星球上最重要的动物.但他们并没有好好照看地球.他们往大气里输入太多的防止热量从地球上逃跑到太空的二氧化碳.由于这个,很多科学家相信地球将会太热而不能居住.因此,千百年之后地球还能不能居住人,在在于能不能解决这个问题.