英语翻译丰富多彩的假日 每年外出旅游度假对大多数英国百姓来说,无论时间长短,国内或国外,都是生活中必不可少的.据英国旅游机构调查,1996年,英国居民度过4夜或4夜以上假期的人共计5,900万,超过了英国人口的总数,而1997年英国居民离家度假超过一夜的人达7,080万.除旅游外,英国人在周末、银行节、复活节等五花八门的假日中的娱乐和消遣节目更是丰富多采:环境优雅的电影院、音乐厅、歌剧院和夏季露天音乐会更为不同阶层、不同年龄和不同口味的人们准备了各式各样的节目.数目众多的博物馆、名胜古迹更为人们提供了最佳


Colourful Holidays
It is indispensable for most British people to spend their holidays by travelling every year,no matter how long the duration of the travel is or whether they spend their holidays in their country or abroad.As per an investigation of a British travel agency,over 59 million people,which exceeds the total population of UK,spent their holidays for 4 nights or more than 4 nights in 1996,while this firgure just reached 70.8 million in 1997.
Besides travel,British people enjoy much more fabulous entertainment during their holidays such as weekends,Bank Holiday,Easter,just to name a few.Cinemas,odeums,opera houses,and summer open-air concerts with graceful circumstances provides for people of different social ranks,ages,and tastes with various kinds of programs.Myriads of museums and historical relics are also listed as best places for leisure.
Colourful Holidays
It is indispensable for most British people to spend their holidays by travelling every year,no matter how long the duration of the travel is or whether they spend their holidays in their country or abroad.As per an investigation of a British travel agency,over 59 million people,which exceeds the total population of UK,spent their holidays for 4 nights or more than 4 nights in 1996,while this firgure just reached 70.8 million in 1997.
Besides travel,British people enjoy much more fabulous entertainment during their holidays such as weekends,Bank Holiday,Easter,just to name a few.Cinemas,odeums,opera houses,and summer open-air concerts with graceful circumstances provides for people of different social ranks,ages,and tastes with various kinds of programs.Myriads of museums and historical relics are also listed as best places for leisure.