托福作文求评分啊~从看到题目开始计时的,30分钟内写完的~有什么问题,大概几分?Learning a foreign languageUndeniably,by learning a foreign language in the country in which is spoken,people can have a better effect and get on a high way to master it well.Of course,there are many reasons and sup


Learning a foreign language

Undeniably,by learning a foreign language in the country in which is spoken,people can have a better effect and get on a high way to master it well.Of course,there are many reasons and supports for it.
First,people can have more efficiency on learning the foreign language in the spoken country.The ICO (International Communication Organization) conducted a report 4 years ago:They assigned group A----a group of Asian people (all of them hadn’t have any special course about this language before) learning Latin language in some Latin spoken areas for 1 year and assigned another group B to learn it in relevant course in domestic for 1 year too.One year later,when the professors began to check how many people have mastered that language basically.To our surprise that 76% of group A had mastered Latin language well,while there were about 34% of group B did that.Ironically,most members,precisely about 79% of group B felt learning it a difficult and tiring task,however,nearly all of group A had been enjoying learning it,because they use it everywhere in that spoken area.
Besides,people can learn more local language in the spoken area.Sometimes,we learn the grammar and words of that language well in our own country,while we do not get the ability to communicate with people who speak that language well.One example is from my aunt:28 years ago,before she beginning her psychology work in US,she could wrote relevant essays and scientific articles well.However,when she conducted her work with her workmates in the lab,she found it difficult to communicate with them.The most significant reason was that she could not get the speakers’ point while they get used to their slung words and local accent.During the next 2 years,she tried every effort to learn their slung words and accents.Now,she can communicate with them with ease.From this example,we know that only when we communicate in the local cultural and speaking environment can we improve our communicating skills in that language with high progress.
20分以上,也就23分到头了吧!我一个考托福的哥们说的! 20分以上,也就23分到头了吧!我一个考托福的哥们说的!