英语翻译尊敬的各位领导、远道而来的尊贵的客人们、各位老师、亲爱同学们:今天,我们怀着无比感激、无比振奋的心情,在这里迎接我们尊贵的客人来我校考察.我代表北海半岛希望小学全体学生,对您们的到来表示热烈的欢迎和崇高的敬意!感谢你们对北海半岛希望小学师生的深情关注和大力支持!今天,我们在这里零距离的感受到您们国际友人对我们的一片热心和诚心,我们能做的只有发奋读书,掌握丰富的知识,去架设通向世界友谊的桥梁 ,为世界的和平友谊做出应有的贡献.最后,我代表北海半岛希望小学全体学生再次向各位国际友人表示诚挚的谢意.


今天,我们在这里零距离的感受到您们国际友人对我们的一片热心和诚心,我们能做的只有发奋读书,掌握丰富的知识,去架设通向世界友谊的桥梁 ,为世界的和平友谊做出应有的贡献.
Respected leaders and express honorable guests, dear teachers, dear classmates: hello!
Today, we are extremely grateful and incomparable encouraging mood, here to meet us to our distinguished guests. I represent the sea, the hope school peninsula for all students to your arrival warm welcome and sincere respect! Thank you for the hope school teachers and students of beihai peninsula deep concern and support!
We are here today to zero distance of our international friends feel you a zealous and sincere, we can only do hard study, master knowledge, to erect leads to the bridge of friendship, peace and friendship of the world is the contribution.
Finally, I hope primary school students beihai peninsula again to international friends expressed gratitude
Respected leaders and express honorable guests, dear teachers, dear classmates: hello!
Today, we are extremely grateful and incomparable encouraging mood, here to meet us to our distinguished guests. I represent the sea, the hope school peninsula for all students to your arrival warm welcome and sincere respect! Thank you for the hope school teachers and students of beihai peninsula deep concern and support!
We are here today to zero distance of our international friends feel you a zealous and sincere, we can only do hard study, master knowledge, to erect leads to the bridge of friendship, peace and friendship of the world is the contribution.
Finally, I hope primary school students beihai peninsula again to international friends expressed gratitude