end behavior 啥意思,高等数学的词汇The end behavior of this is that as x goes to positive infinity,the function's outputs go to zero.


end behavior 啥意思,高等数学的词汇
The end behavior of this is that as x goes to positive infinity,the function's outputs go to zero.
end behavior:应该是“极端情况”的意思.
The end behavior of this is that as x goes to positive infinity, the function's outputs go to zero
意思:这种现象的极端情况就是,当 x 趋向于正无穷时,函数值趋向于0.
end behavior:应该是“极端情况”的意思.
The end behavior of this is that as x goes to positive infinity, the function's outputs go to zero
意思:这种现象的极端情况就是,当 x 趋向于正无穷时,函数值趋向于0.