写一篇关于高中结束的英语作文高中三年的学习生活即将结束、三年来、在校学习生活以及与同学们的交往中、有让你感动的瞬间吗、有那些往事让你记忆犹新、学校的英语角为即将毕业的同学们开辟了、SAT YOU SAY ME、专栏、现在请你根据下面的提示内容用英语写一篇短文、1、给你留下印象最深刻的人与事、2、什么事情或人让你感动、3、你从中感悟到了什么?短文词数100-120.开头已给出 I.d like to say something .


高中三年的学习生活即将结束、三年来、在校学习生活以及与同学们的交往中、有让你感动的瞬间吗、有那些往事让你记忆犹新、学校的英语角为即将毕业的同学们开辟了、SAT YOU SAY ME、专栏、现在请你根据下面的提示内容用英语写一篇短文、1、给你留下印象最深刻的人与事、2、什么事情或人让你感动、3、你从中感悟到了什么?短文词数100-120.开头已给出 I.d like to say something .
I 'd like to say something about my school life . There are many wonderful memories during my three years' school life. But our monitor ,Limei , impressed me most. She is an outgoing and easy -going girl. She often helps me with my English. She is also working hard and always gets high marks in every subject. What impressed me most is that she is so generious()慷慨 that she gave all her money to a student ill in hospital. But she is not rich and she often saves some from her pocket money(零花钱). What she did has made me learn from her that we should share and give a hand to those in trouble. Only in that way can we have a better world. I 'd like to say something about my school life . There are many wonderful memories during my three years' school life. But our monitor ,Limei , impressed me most. She is an outgoing and easy -going girl. She often helps me with my English. She is also working hard and always gets high marks in every subject. What impressed me most is that she is so generious()慷慨 that she gave all her money to a student ill in hospital. But she is not rich and she often saves some from her pocket money(零花钱). What she did has made me learn from her that we should share and give a hand to those in trouble. Only in that way can we have a better world.