几个初中英语问题(初三的)..我明天要中考,快点帮忙1.----Is there a new factory near here? ----Yes. It only a few months..(C) A.is founded B.has been founded C.was founded 我选a 2.----Sorry, I don't know what the teach said just now? ----He asked Maria(B) A.how long she usually spe


1.----Is there a new factory near here? ----Yes. It ___only a few months..(C) A.is founded B.has been founded C.was founded 我选a 2.----Sorry, I don't know what the teach said just now? ----He asked Maria____(B) A.how long she usually spends on her homework B.what she was doing these days C.why didn't Mike come to the meting testerday 我选A 3.----I don't like hamburgers at all ----_______. I seldom have them(A) A.Neither do I B.So do I C.Me tt 我选C 4. With the help of government, we ___great progress in the past 60 years(C) A.are making B.madr C.have made 我选B 5.----_____has Mr.Lee satyed in London? -----Since last month(B) A.When B.How long C.How often 我选A 题目后面是正确答案 希望能正对我选错的答案分析原因 然后说下为什么要这么选... 大家帮帮忙啊 我明天要中考. 第一天就要考英语额. 拜托了
what the teach said just now 有said 从句应该是过去式 3.----I don't like hamburgers at all 有don't 倒装句应该用neither 4. With the help of government, we ___great progress in the past 60 years 后面有根一段时间应用现在完成时 Since last month 回答中有一段时间,所以应用“how long” what the teach said just now 有said 从句应该是过去式 3.----I don't like hamburgers at all 有don't 倒装句应该用neither 4. With the help of government, we ___great progress in the past 60 years 后面有根一段时间应用现在完成时 Since last month 回答中有一段时间,所以应用“how long”