英语翻译激发兴趣 促进积累在语文教学中,作文教学的分量越来越重,提高学生的作文水平是语文教师当前非常重要的工作.在教学时,先要提高学生对作文的兴趣,然后帮助他们积累生活中的素材,通过多样的写作形式,使学生在写作兴趣的指引下,慢慢的提高作文水平.


激发兴趣 促进积累
Stimulate interest , promote accumulation
In the teaching of Chinese, composition teaching is getting more and more important and improving students' writing ability is a very important work of Chinese teachers at present. In teaching, we should improve students' interest in writing at first and then help them accumulate materials from life.Through various forms of writing, make the students improve the level of composition gradually under the guide of interest in writing.
Stimulate interest , promote accumulation
In the teaching of Chinese, composition teaching is getting more and more important and improving students' writing ability is a very important work of Chinese teachers at present. In teaching, we should improve students' interest in writing at first and then help them accumulate materials from life.Through various forms of writing, make the students improve the level of composition gradually under the guide of interest in writing.