

How to live POSITIVE I can already guess why your reading this.Your looking for a way to feel better about yourself.Let me ask you a question.Are the people around you positive in your life?
If you say no,than guess what,you discovered the reason why you are NOT positive.
This How To,will teach you what it takes to create the positive life that you want and deserve.Is your family a negative force in your life?Do they feel your a failure or never support anything you do?You probably said yes to both of these questions.We all don't want to be a failure to our parents.There is always this expectation of being at a certain level when it comes to our parents.Do what you want to do!If you want to do something that they don't want you to be,screw them,and do what you have to do.It's not about their expectations or hopes for you,its about where you see yourself and what you do for yourself.Hopes and expectations are just imaginary.What you want out of life and what you do to get there is what's real.We have all been through a relationship that made our heart's feel more pain than a knife piercing the chest.It always came down to one person is wrong and other is right.Did you ever feel positive about anything during those times?If your in a relationship that is all about two opposite sides,you can NOT be positive about anything.The best thing to do if your in a relationship like this,is to compromise or leave it.Sometimes leaving the relationship can bring you a burst of positivity because of the weight taken off your shoulders.It's important to remember that,you know what is best for you,and the only person that can make that happen,is you!You are who your friends are.If you hang around negative,nagging,whiny people,believe me you will become that.The old saying,you are what you eat,applies to your friends,you are who you hang out with.Surround yourself with people who laugh and smile.Surround yourself with people who bring you up and believe in you.The worst thing you can do is develop negative habits from other people that aren't giving you the right positive mindset that you deserve.The best advice is to believe.Believe in everything you want to do and will do.Its amazing how great you can be when you honestly believe in yourself.Thats the same way with being positive.Believe in being positive.Get people around you who believe in the same thing you do.
How to live POSITIVE I can already guess why your reading this.Your looking for a way to feel better about yourself.Let me ask you a question.Are the people around you positive in your life?
If you say no,than guess what,you discovered the reason why you are NOT positive.
This How To,will teach you what it takes to create the positive life that you want and deserve.Is your family a negative force in your life?Do they feel your a failure or never support anything you do?You probably said yes to both of these questions.We all don't want to be a failure to our parents.There is always this expectation of being at a certain level when it comes to our parents.Do what you want to do!If you want to do something that they don't want you to be,screw them,and do what you have to do.It's not about their expectations or hopes for you,its about where you see yourself and what you do for yourself.Hopes and expectations are just imaginary.What you want out of life and what you do to get there is what's real.We have all been through a relationship that made our heart's feel more pain than a knife piercing the chest.It always came down to one person is wrong and other is right.Did you ever feel positive about anything during those times?If your in a relationship that is all about two opposite sides,you can NOT be positive about anything.The best thing to do if your in a relationship like this,is to compromise or leave it.Sometimes leaving the relationship can bring you a burst of positivity because of the weight taken off your shoulders.It's important to remember that,you know what is best for you,and the only person that can make that happen,is you!You are who your friends are.If you hang around negative,nagging,whiny people,believe me you will become that.The old saying,you are what you eat,applies to your friends,you are who you hang out with.Surround yourself with people who laugh and smile.Surround yourself with people who bring you up and believe in you.The worst thing you can do is develop negative habits from other people that aren't giving you the right positive mindset that you deserve.The best advice is to believe.Believe in everything you want to do and will do.Its amazing how great you can be when you honestly believe in yourself.Thats the same way with being positive.Believe in being positive.Get people around you who believe in the same thing you do.