英语场景对话…求高手 用于 大学口语考试 Work inpairs.One of you will take the part of A,and the other B.A and B are from different universities and both of them are going tuo graduate next year.A and B discussing whether it is necessary for college graduates to wear name br


英语场景对话…求高手 用于 大学口语考试
Work inpairs.One of you will take the part of A,and the other B.A and B are from different universities and both of them are going tuo graduate next year.A and B discussing whether it is necessary for college graduates to wear name brands for a jod interview.
A:听说你明年就要毕业啦有没有为找工作准备吖?A:I heared that you would graduate next year ,have you made a prepration For finding a job?

B:你有也是明年毕业吖 为什么很迷茫的样子B: the same as you !what’s problem. why you are so confused?
A:是吖 我查阅了资料发现了很多发现了喝多需要注意的地方
A:Yes!I refered many information which we need to notice

B:例如?B:for example?

A:the wearing

B:我也听说过这个问题 很多师兄师姐穿着名牌衣服去面试
I have heared this problem.many graduates wear name brands for a job interview

but wearing a name brands for a job interview is so important?


B:maybe the first impression is important
A:but in my eyes ,the job interview is more valueable about the personal ability


A:and to ourselves,It's a great economic burden about the name brand

B;是吖 我也为这个问题而感到烦恼
B:Er,I am worried about this

A;shall we go to the talent market for a look?
A:听说你明年就要毕业啦有没有为找工作准备吖?A:I heared that you would graduate next year ,have you made a prepration For finding a job?

B:你有也是明年毕业吖 为什么很迷茫的样子B: the same as you !what’s problem. why you are so confused?
A:是吖 我查阅了资料发现了很多发现了喝多需要注意的地方
A:Yes!I refered many information which we need to notice

B:例如?B:for example?

A:the wearing

B:我也听说过这个问题 很多师兄师姐穿着名牌衣服去面试
I have heared this problem.many graduates wear name brands for a job interview

but wearing a name brands for a job interview is so important?


B:maybe the first impression is important
A:but in my eyes ,the job interview is more valueable about the personal ability


A:and to ourselves,It's a great economic burden about the name brand

B;是吖 我也为这个问题而感到烦恼
B:Er,I am worried about this

A;shall we go to the talent market for a look?