英语翻译我们算出最终的价格是在 700,经过与我们市场部沟通,他们愿意与你分担20%费用作为支持你这个项目开发.也就是说你只需支付$560,该产品你就可以单独在这个市场里包销.并且该产品可以安装在任何3L的产品里.这也是我们尽最大努力为你争取的到了,毕竟,其他客户对它暂时并不感兴趣,我们很难说服他们一起share.期待你的回复.


我们算出最终的价格是在 700,经过与我们市场部沟通,他们愿意与你分担20%费用作为支持你这个项目开发.
The final price we calculated is $700,and,after communication with our Market Dept.,they are willing to share 20% of it so as to support your development of this project,which means you have to pay $560 only for the exclusive sales of this product in this market.The product can be installed in any 3L products.We have tried our best to make it for you,because,after all,the other customers are not interested in it for the time being and we cannot convince them to share the cost with you.
We look forawrd to your reply.
The final price we calculated is $700,and,after communication with our Market Dept.,they are willing to share 20% of it so as to support your development of this project,which means you have to pay $560 only for the exclusive sales of this product in this market.The product can be installed in any 3L products.We have tried our best to make it for you,because,after all,the other customers are not interested in it for the time being and we cannot convince them to share the cost with you.
We look forawrd to your reply.