14道英语翻译题目1.让他们失望的是实验结果未能使教授感到满意(TO one's...)2.我们以一首高昂的歌曲圆满地结束了会议(round off...with)4.圣诞期间西方人总要放两三星期的假(have...off)5.这家商店的物品价格在五至十元不等(vary from...from)6.我认为很难把一位绅士与这种不文明的行为联系起来(connect...with)7.一般来说,与陌生人进行交流是你提高社交能力的好办法(a good way to...)8.为了避免旁人注意,他不声不响的走了(a


1.让他们失望的是实验结果未能使教授感到满意(TO one's...)
2.我们以一首高昂的歌曲圆满地结束了会议(round off...with)
5.这家商店的物品价格在五至十元不等(vary from...from)
7.一般来说,与陌生人进行交流是你提高社交能力的好办法(a good way to...)
9.他的艺术作品深受社会各界人士的欢迎(be popular with)
10.第一次听到这一消息时,他垭口无声(The first time)
11.电灯的发明为世界的发展带来了深远的影响(make a ...impression on)
12.刘翔将永远作为一名民族英雄为所有的中国人所铭记(be remembered as)
1.Disappointed with the results so that they are not so satisfied,Professor (TO one 's ...) 2.We songs to a successful conclusion of the first high (round off with ...) 4.Westerners must be two or three weeks during Christmas up a fake (have ...off) 5.This prices in the shops,ranging from five to ten yuan (vary from ...from) 6.I think it is difficult to regard such an uncivilized act with a gentleman link (connect with ...) 7.Generally,exchanges with strangers is a good solution for you to improve social skills (a good way to ...) 8.To avoid the attention of bystanders.He exhibits the left (avoid) 9.He works of art is greatly welcomed by all sectors (be popular with) 10.the first time I heard this news,He PASS silent (The first time) 11.Electric with the invention of a far-reaching impact on the development of the world (...make a impression on) 12.Liu as a national hero,will forever be remembered for all the Chinese people (be remembered as) 13.thank you for giving me this year to help (grateful) 14.Before making any decision.you have parents and discuss (decision) 1.Disappointed with the results so that they are not so satisfied,Professor (TO one 's ...) 2.We songs to a successful conclusion of the first high (round off with ...) 4.Westerners must be two or three weeks during Christmas up a fake (have ...off) 5.This prices in the shops,ranging from five to ten yuan (vary from ...from) 6.I think it is difficult to regard such an uncivilized act with a gentleman link (connect with ...) 7.Generally,exchanges with strangers is a good solution for you to improve social skills (a good way to ...) 8.To avoid the attention of bystanders.He exhibits the left (avoid) 9.He works of art is greatly welcomed by all sectors (be popular with) 10.the first time I heard this news,He PASS silent (The first time) 11.Electric with the invention of a far-reaching impact on the development of the world (...make a impression on) 12.Liu as a national hero,will forever be remembered for all the Chinese people (be remembered as) 13.thank you for giving me this year to help (grateful) 14.Before making any decision.you have parents and discuss (decision)