汉译英。 1. 他有足够的耐心向我们解释一切。    2. 整个下午她一直不停地打电话给某人。    3. 你不要在意嘲笑你的学生。    4. 我们除了按时完成作业别无选择。    5. 当我正走过书店时,突然想起要买一本电视指南。   


1. 他有足够的耐心向我们解释一切。
2. 整个下午她一直不停地打电话给某人。
3. 你不要在意嘲笑你的学生。
4. 我们除了按时完成作业别无选择。
5. 当我正走过书店时,突然想起要买一本电视指南。
1. He is patient enough to explain everything to us.     (he is so patient that he can explain everything to us.) 2. She kept making phone calls to someone/ somebody all the afternoon/ the whole afternoon. 3. You pay no attention to the students who laugh at you.     (You don't pay any attention to the student who laughs at you.)4. We have no choice but to finish our homework. 5. While/ As I was walking past the bookshop I suddenly thought of buying a TV guide. 答案不唯一
1. He is patient enough to explain everything to us.     (he is so patient that he can explain everything to us.) 2. She kept making phone calls to someone/ somebody all the afternoon/ the whole afternoon. 3. You pay no attention to the students who laugh at you.     (You don't pay any attention to the student who laughs at you.)4. We have no choice but to finish our homework. 5. While/ As I was walking past the bookshop I suddenly thought of buying a TV guide. 答案不唯一