去年你(Jim)在学英语方面困难重重,但是功夫不负有心人,你通过努力,终于掌握了学英语的方法.目前,你成了班里学英语最棒的学生之一.正好你的笔友Tom向你求叫提高英语的办法,请你依据下列提示要点,给Tom发一个80~100词左右的e-mail.开头已给出,不计入总次数内.Please tell him:1、What problems did you ever have in learning English?2、How did you improve your English?Dear Tom,Now I


Please tell him:
1、What problems did you ever have in learning English?
2、How did you improve your English?
Dear Tom,
Now I'd like to tell you how Iimproved my English(后面续写e-mail)
Dear Tom,
Now I would like to tell you how to improve my English.In the past,I can not pronounce right and I felt shy when I spoke English.But I begin to practice more and talk to my teacher and my classmates as much as possible.Now even though I still have many problems on my pronunciation,I can speak more frequently.Also,I can not resite the new words well,but I learn to resite them according to the pronunciation,then I can remember the new words very well.So do not lose your heart.Just find the way to learn English.
Dear Tom,
Now I would like to tell you how to improve my English.In the past,I can not pronounce right and I felt shy when I spoke English.But I begin to practice more and talk to my teacher and my classmates as much as possible.Now even though I still have many problems on my pronunciation,I can speak more frequently.Also,I can not resite the new words well,but I learn to resite them according to the pronunciation,then I can remember the new words very well.So do not lose your heart.Just find the way to learn English.