把一下一段话翻译成英文,求求求!调查分析 在调查的十个人中,从小开始学习英语站到百分百;了解一点英语历史占比调查分析 在调查的十个人中,从小开始学习英语站到百分百;了解一点英语历史占比列百分之二十,完全不了解的占到百分之八十;喜欢幽默风趣的老师占比列百分之百;学好英语选择上课注意听讲的占到百分之五十,背单词占到百分之二十,选择和环境有关的占到百分之三十;认为外教对英语有帮助的比例是百分之百.从调查报告分析,大家从小学习英语是有一定基础的,大家都喜欢风趣的老师,但死学课本,不注重课外延伸知识.对外教有依


调查分析 在调查的十个人中,从小开始学习英语站到百分百;了解一点英语历史占比
In the investigation of ten people, in which began to learn English from station to; Know a little English historical accounts for more than twenty percent of the column, completely don't understand accounted for eighty percent; Like humor humor and wit teacher accounted for one hundred percent than fathers; Learn English well choose listening to what the class of fifty percent, memorizing words account for twenty percent, selection and environment related account for thirty percent; Think of English foreign teachers help proportion is one hundred percent. From the survey report analysis, everyone from learning English is a certain foundation, everyone like funny teacher, but death learn textbooks, does not pay attention to knowledge extra-curricular activities. Foreign teaching have dependence, value learning environment. To learn English well is an important reason for the individual or no matter how good environment, all is the foreign teacher taught you, you don't work hard also learn the bad. In the investigation of ten people, in which began to learn English from station to; Know a little English historical accounts for more than twenty percent of the column, completely don't understand accounted for eighty percent; Like humor humor and wit teacher accounted for one hundred percent than fathers; Learn English well choose listening to what the class of fifty percent, memorizing words account for twenty percent, selection and environment related account for thirty percent; Think of English foreign teachers help proportion is one hundred percent. From the survey report analysis, everyone from learning English is a certain foundation, everyone like funny teacher, but death learn textbooks, does not pay attention to knowledge extra-curricular activities. Foreign teaching have dependence, value learning environment. To learn English well is an important reason for the individual or no matter how good environment, all is the foreign teacher taught you, you don't work hard also learn the bad.