Butthere are compelling reasons in favor of another Moon landing too,um… notthe least of which is trying to pinpoint the moon’s age.这里的 not the least of which not the least是一点也不得意思 可not the least of which is 翻译出来是 其中原因之一,


there are compelling reasons in favor of another Moon landing too,um… not
the least of which is trying to pinpoint the moon’s age.
这里的 not the least of which not the least是一点也不得意思 可not the least of which is 翻译出来是 其中原因之一,
"Not the least of which" usually follows a plural noun phrase that implies a set of things or qualities,and draws attention to a significant member of that set,e.g.
1.Tom has many engaging qualities,not the least of which is his considerable good humour.
Thus here,many engaging qualities is the set,and his considerable good humour is the significant member of that set.
2.Tom is a bad guy,[with many bad qualities],not the least of which [is the fact that] he is always criticizing others.tom是个坏孩子,最重要的一点就是,他总是批评别人
"Not the least of which" usually follows a plural noun phrase that implies a set of things or qualities,and draws attention to a significant member of that set,e.g.
1.Tom has many engaging qualities,not the least of which is his considerable good humour.
Thus here,many engaging qualities is the set,and his considerable good humour is the significant member of that set.
2.Tom is a bad guy,[with many bad qualities],not the least of which [is the fact that] he is always criticizing others.tom是个坏孩子,最重要的一点就是,他总是批评别人