用英语怎么说:小孩子上厕所和小孩子很淘气 pee and poo & handful (259)


用英语怎么说:小孩子上厕所和小孩子很淘气 pee and poo & handful (259)
下载音频李华在帮彼得森教授看孩子.她急着打电话给Larry求助.李华今天要学两个常用语,pee and poo和handful.
LL:Sure,Li Hua,but first you have to tell me why you need to know what pee and poo means.
LL:(Laughs) I remember Professor Jones’ little boy – his name is Scottie,right?What Scottie is trying to tell you by saying he needs to pee and poo’,Li Hua,is that he needs to go to the bathroom.
LL:It’s no problem,Li Hua.Scottie is only two years old,and he may need some help going pee and poo.
(Flushing sound)
LL:Scottie is a very good teacher,isn’t he?I have to tell you,Li Hua,dealing with pee and poo is one of the reasons I don’t want to have children.
LH:就因为小孩要pee and poo,你就不想要小孩?等你有了自己的孩子,可能就不会嫌小孩子pee and poo恶心了.
LL:That may be so,but I think I’ll just settle for a dog instead.
LH:养狗?可是狗也要pee and poo啊.
LL:But a dog goes pee and poo outside.It seems a lot easier to deal with than changing diapers.
LL:Then maybe I’ll just have house plants.They don’t pee or poo.
******(Child’s laughter and flushing sounds)
LL:By saying Scottie is a handful,I wasn’t talking about his size.I meant that he was behaving in a way that is wild and hard to handle and that he is keeping you very busy.
LH:噢,你是说Scottie调皮啊.哎,你再等一下,我得去制止Scottie.(To Scottie) Come on,Scottie,let go watch some cartoons.(To Larry) 好了,卡通片肯定能让他安静一会.
LL:So,has Scottie been a handful all day,Li Hua?It sounds like babysitting him has been a lot of work.
LL:So,you are saying you don’t think Scottie is any more of a handful than any other two-year-old.
LH:That’s right,Larry.我敢打赌,你小的时候一定也很淘气.
LL:Yeah,my mom tells all sorts of stories about how I was a real handful when I was little boy.
LL:Well,my mom tells me that once I got out a box of crayons and drew a rainbow on the wall of our kitchen.Then there was the time I brought a frog with me into bed.
LH:你用蜡笔在厨房的墙上画彩虹?还把青蛙带上床?You really were a handful,Larry.
LH:我妈说我小时候可乖了.I was never a handful.
天李华学到了两个常用语.一个是pee and poo,指小孩子上厕所.另一个是handful,是指小孩子很淘气.
下载音频李华在帮彼得森教授看孩子.她急着打电话给Larry求助.李华今天要学两个常用语,pee and poo和handful.
LL:Sure,Li Hua,but first you have to tell me why you need to know what pee and poo means.
LL:(Laughs) I remember Professor Jones’ little boy – his name is Scottie,right?What Scottie is trying to tell you by saying he needs to pee and poo’,Li Hua,is that he needs to go to the bathroom.
LL:It’s no problem,Li Hua.Scottie is only two years old,and he may need some help going pee and poo.
(Flushing sound)
LL:Scottie is a very good teacher,isn’t he?I have to tell you,Li Hua,dealing with pee and poo is one of the reasons I don’t want to have children.
LH:就因为小孩要pee and poo,你就不想要小孩?等你有了自己的孩子,可能就不会嫌小孩子pee and poo恶心了.
LL:That may be so,but I think I’ll just settle for a dog instead.
LH:养狗?可是狗也要pee and poo啊.
LL:But a dog goes pee and poo outside.It seems a lot easier to deal with than changing diapers.
LL:Then maybe I’ll just have house plants.They don’t pee or poo.
******(Child’s laughter and flushing sounds)
LL:By saying Scottie is a handful,I wasn’t talking about his size.I meant that he was behaving in a way that is wild and hard to handle and that he is keeping you very busy.
LH:噢,你是说Scottie调皮啊.哎,你再等一下,我得去制止Scottie.(To Scottie) Come on,Scottie,let go watch some cartoons.(To Larry) 好了,卡通片肯定能让他安静一会.
LL:So,has Scottie been a handful all day,Li Hua?It sounds like babysitting him has been a lot of work.
LL:So,you are saying you don’t think Scottie is any more of a handful than any other two-year-old.
LH:That’s right,Larry.我敢打赌,你小的时候一定也很淘气.
LL:Yeah,my mom tells all sorts of stories about how I was a real handful when I was little boy.
LL:Well,my mom tells me that once I got out a box of crayons and drew a rainbow on the wall of our kitchen.Then there was the time I brought a frog with me into bed.
LH:你用蜡笔在厨房的墙上画彩虹?还把青蛙带上床?You really were a handful,Larry.
LH:我妈说我小时候可乖了.I was never a handful.
天李华学到了两个常用语.一个是pee and poo,指小孩子上厕所.另一个是handful,是指小孩子很淘气.