英语翻译1 淘气小鳄鱼2 多功能电话机3 启蒙益智玩具4 试一试5 6 推动我时尾巴还会摇摆哦!7 多功能电话机 教孩子认识数字,辨颜色,训练孩子听觉等学习内容!8 动物图形按键9 拉动小鳄鱼时,脚会灵活的摆动哦!10 小鳄鱼的嘴巴可以上下自作调动,调动时发出“咔嚓 咔嚓”的声音哦!11 拉动小鳄鱼时,尾巴也会跟着左右摆动哦!12 按下按键会有各种不同的声音和音乐,训练儿童听觉 13 各种活动部件,提高儿童动手能力


1 淘气小鳄鱼
2 多功能电话机
3 启蒙益智玩具
4 试一试
6 推动我时尾巴还会摇摆哦!
7 多功能电话机 教孩子认识数字,辨颜色,训练孩子听觉等学习内容!
8 动物图形按键
9 拉动小鳄鱼时,脚会灵活的摆动哦!
10 小鳄鱼的嘴巴可以上下自作调动,调动时发出“咔嚓 咔嚓”的声音哦!
11 拉动小鳄鱼时,尾巴也会跟着左右摆动哦!
12 按下按键会有各种不同的声音和音乐,训练儿童听觉
13 各种活动部件,提高儿童动手能力
1 淘气小鳄鱼
the naughty little crocodile
2 多功能电话机
multi-function telephones
3 启蒙益智玩具
Enlightenment educational toys
4 试一试
Have a try
5 我还会数学题哦!
I can do the math problems.
6 推动我时尾巴还会摇摆哦!
When I am pushed, the tail can swing.
7 多功能电话机 教孩子认识数字, 辨颜色,训练孩子听觉等学习内容!
The multi-function telephone has the contents, such as teaching the children
to learn numbers, identifying colors, training their aural abilities, etc.
8 动物图形按键
Buttons with animal graphs
9 拉动小鳄鱼时,脚会灵活的摆动哦!
When the little crocodile is pulled, its feet can move flexibly.
10 小鳄鱼的嘴巴可以上下自作调动,调动时发出“咔嚓 咔嚓”的声音哦!
The little crocodile can move its mouth up and down, sending out “click, click ” sounds.
11 拉动小鳄鱼时,尾巴也会跟着左右摆动哦!
When the little crocodile is pulled, its tail can swing from left to right, or vice versa.
12 按下按键会有各种不同的声音和音乐,训练儿童听觉
It will send out different sounds and music when the buttons pressed, thus the children’s aural abilities are trained.
13 各种活动部件,提高儿童动手能力.
Using various moving parts can improve children’s manual abilities.
1 淘气小鳄鱼
the naughty little crocodile
2 多功能电话机
multi-function telephones
3 启蒙益智玩具
Enlightenment educational toys
4 试一试
Have a try
5 我还会数学题哦!
I can do the math problems.
6 推动我时尾巴还会摇摆哦!
When I am pushed, the tail can swing.
7 多功能电话机 教孩子认识数字, 辨颜色,训练孩子听觉等学习内容!
The multi-function telephone has the contents, such as teaching the children
to learn numbers, identifying colors, training their aural abilities, etc.
8 动物图形按键
Buttons with animal graphs
9 拉动小鳄鱼时,脚会灵活的摆动哦!
When the little crocodile is pulled, its feet can move flexibly.
10 小鳄鱼的嘴巴可以上下自作调动,调动时发出“咔嚓 咔嚓”的声音哦!
The little crocodile can move its mouth up and down, sending out “click, click ” sounds.
11 拉动小鳄鱼时,尾巴也会跟着左右摆动哦!
When the little crocodile is pulled, its tail can swing from left to right, or vice versa.
12 按下按键会有各种不同的声音和音乐,训练儿童听觉
It will send out different sounds and music when the buttons pressed, thus the children’s aural abilities are trained.
13 各种活动部件,提高儿童动手能力.
Using various moving parts can improve children’s manual abilities.