情景交际 从后面的七个句子中选择适当的五个,完成下列对话。   A: You look worried don't you?   B: Yes my uncle is ill in hospital.   A: I'm sorry to hear that. (1) ?   B: His head hurts.   A: He looks healthy. I think.   B: (2) He was strong whe




  A: You look worried don't you?

  B: Yes my uncle is ill in hospital.

  A: I'm sorry to hear that. (1) ?

  B: His head hurts.

  A: He looks healthy. I think.

  B: (2) He was strong when he wag young. He liked sports and often took exercises. But five years ago he became rich and ate much meat. so he got fatter and fatter.

  A: (3)

  B: You've right. The doctors told him to have more sports and eat less meat but he didn't listen to them.

  B: Yes Now he thinks the doctors are right and begins to do what they say.

  A: (5)

  B: Thank you very much.

[  ]

A.He had to listen to the doctors.

B.What's wrong with him?

C.It's bad for his health.

D.I think you are right.

E.I don't think so.

F.I'm sure he must feel sorry for it.

G.I think he'll soon become better.
