几道英语翻译题!①使用太阳能的优点是它不会产生任何污染(提示An advantage of……is that+句子)②时间是多么珍贵,我们经不起浪费它(提示so……that从句,并用so倒装)③我们书读得愈多,我们愈有学问(提示the+比较级+句子,the+比较级+句子)④我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值(提示on no account can we+v.)


几道英语翻译题!①使用太阳能的优点是它不会产生任何污染(提示An advantage of……is that+句子)②时间是多么珍贵,我们经不起浪费它(提示so……that从句,并用so倒装)③我们书读得愈多,我们愈有学问(提示the+比较级+句子,the+比较级+句子)④我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值(提示on no account can we+v.)
1.An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won't produce any pollution 2.Time is a precious that we can't afford to waste it. 3.The more books we read, the more learned we become. 4.On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. 1.An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won't produce any pollution 2.Time is a precious that we can't afford to waste it. 3.The more books we read, the more learned we become. 4.On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.