紧急!帮我翻译一下 中文>>英文.我是留学生······ 英文水平太低了.我自己翻译的时候太混乱.聪明的中国朋友们···求命啊!韩国传统想象中的动物“不可杀伊”和当代韩国人关系如何?笔者通过调查与分析象征变迁和朝代更迭的神话动物“不可杀伊”的古代传说和相关资料,指出“不可杀伊”的含义,探讨了其形象的特点,在民俗生活中的作用,以及它在当代各种新媒介中的应用和再创造.本文通过介绍韩国传统神物“不可杀伊”,考察了想象中的神物“不可杀伊”对现代社会的影响,希望提高人们对韩国民俗文化的理解.


紧急!帮我翻译一下 中文>>英文.
我是留学生······ 英文水平太低了.我自己翻译的时候太混乱.聪明的中国朋友们···求命啊!

How is the relationship between the contemporary Koreans and "Bulgasalie", a creature created by the imagination of traditional Koreans ? By investigating and analyzing the ancient legend and related documents of this mystical creature which is a symbol of vicissitudes and the change of dynasties, the author points out the meaning of "Bulgasalie", explores the characteristics of its image, the role it played in the folk custom and its application and recreation in the various contemporary new medias.
By introducing this traditional Korean creature "Bulgasalie", this paper investigates this mystical creature’s influence on the modern society, and hopefully enhances people’s understanding of the folk culture of Korea.

How is the relationship between the contemporary Koreans and "Bulgasalie", a creature created by the imagination of traditional Koreans ? By investigating and analyzing the ancient legend and related documents of this mystical creature which is a symbol of vicissitudes and the change of dynasties, the author points out the meaning of "Bulgasalie", explores the characteristics of its image, the role it played in the folk custom and its application and recreation in the various contemporary new medias.
By introducing this traditional Korean creature "Bulgasalie", this paper investigates this mystical creature’s influence on the modern society, and hopefully enhances people’s understanding of the folk culture of Korea.