

Tim is 10 years old. He is not an outstanding student at school. He doesn't like to be forced to do homework. He prefers to do anything else in his spare time, so he doesn't do homework often and he makes a lot of mistakes while doing homework.
One day his maths teacher found his homework was totally correct. She was very happy and surprised. She asked Tim to come to her office desk and what happened and whether Tim's father had helped him. Usually Tim's father helps him a lot. But his father was too busy to be at home, Tim answered, "My father was not in last night. It was done all by myself."
Tim is 10 years old. He is not an outstanding student at school. He doesn't like to be forced to do homework. He prefers to do anything else in his spare time, so he doesn't do homework often and he makes a lot of mistakes while doing homework.
One day his maths teacher found his homework was totally correct. She was very happy and surprised. She asked Tim to come to her office desk and what happened and whether Tim's father had helped him. Usually Tim's father helps him a lot. But his father was too busy to be at home, Tim answered, "My father was not in last night. It was done all by myself."